Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Now you've done it!

Hooray! I've finally started a public blog, just like I always said I would.

I've been sitting at the same internet cafe for about 7 hours now. My bum is half asleep, I'm highly caffeinated, and I'm maybe about to witness another round of barista shifts end. Life is absurd and satisfying.

A few random items:
  • I am highly curious to see what the folks out there in internet land do with YouTube Doubler. So far it seems that pairing a crazy rant with hip hop beats or silly mid-90's songs is highly amusing.The possibilities are endless!
  • A teenager at the table next to me just asked her friends, "Who is Peewee Herman?" My eyes grew wide and I'm glad I managed to not gasp aloud. Don't these kids watch VH1's I Love the 80's? Le sigh.
  • "Tom's Diner" by Suzane Vega is even creepier a Capella.
Tonight I drink to The Blank Page.