Wednesday, March 17, 2010

post midnight ventures
yeild covert errand flurries
silent excitement

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How Do I Say This...

Growing up I was often prone to procrastination, only able to do outstanding work in the face of a dangerously close headline. Working in a writing center in college changed that about me, and I'm now able to enjoy and benefit of the writing process.

But dang, it's been dificult for me to actually post anything here. It's been so long since I've done much personal writing; it feels as if I've spent so much time finding, and writing in, the perfect voice for whatever brand, product, or service that I seem to have lost my own writing style. Something for which a favorite literature professor in college, Dr. Sean McDowell, once commented that I should "give praise daily." Perhaps I've neglected the proper genuflections for far too long.

I suppose that's the partly the idea of The Tongue Press. My original vision of the tongue press is of an antique Platen printing press with a large simple line drawing of a tongue being inked as it was wheeled through. Now the 'press' is taking on a different meaning, one of squeezing words out, forcing myself to write honestly.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It's Like Riding a Bike...

I never leaned to ride a bicycle, but had made it my end of summer goal. I have no idea where to start or who to ask for advice, all I know is that I have a trip to the Netherlands in November (2 years in the making) and bike riding is mandatory, as we are staying on a schamcy house boat just out of the city.

I am scared. Despite growing up in a very manicured cookie-cutter middle class suburb my parents did not allow me to go outside to play with the many neighborhood children, not even in the backyard, for fear I would get raped. Not kidding. My siblings and I are first generation Americans, and my parents very paranoid and conservative. No walking to the school bus stop alone. No shaving of legs. No playing outside. And therefore no learning to ride a bicycle.

Looking back at it from adulthood it's not such a big deal, and if it wasn't for the upcoming travel plans I could have lived the rest of my life happily unable to peddle a two wheeled vehicle. Now I realize I'm terrified of falling. I never learned how to play.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

fie, insomnia
do athiests pray for sleep?
i implore thee, Sandman...